Momager and CEO: Stephanie Haidenschuster

Glass Slipper Princess Pageants is located in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  With Pageants being run both online and live it is a wonderful experience to give girls and women an opportunity to gain confidence, self-esteem and acceptance of their physical physique and inner beauty.  Each contestant no matter shape or form is beautiful.  It is our strong belief that beauty lies within us all and not just on the surface.

Stephanie Haidenschuster, owner and organizer of Glass Slipper Princess Pageants resides with her husband of 18 years and her 4 children ages 6-16.  A busy mom and always on the go! Stephanie enjoys participating in pageants and is currently representing her hometown as Mrs. Brampton.  In August 2021, Stephanie will be representing Toronto in the Canada Galaxy Pageant where she will be competing for the Mrs. Canada Galaxy title.  Stephanie enjoys traveling the world and volunteering within her community and with different organizations throughout the city.  Stephanie enjoys giving back to the Knights Table, Sick Kids Hospital, Literacy Programs within her community, and local food banks. 

Her goal in beginning her own pageant was to show people that pageants are not just about "Glitz and Glam" and the notorious "Stage Mom", but to show a community of girls and women pulling together to empower one another and support one another while teaching their children a healthy way to compete in a positive and uplifting way.

Stephanie hopes that you will join her on her journey and welcomes you into the pageant world with open arms. 
